Previously having made a name for themselves as hand stenciled floor and wall artists, one top designer asked them to stencil onto fabric for a project in Sao Paulo, a completely new world of home furnishings opened up to them and Pintura Studio began producing the beautiful hand stenciled fabric for pillows and linens for which they are still known today. Realizing that production would be limited with just the two of them stenciling by hand, they found the solution to this dilemma by turning their hand cut stencils into silkscreens.​
By doing all of the artwork by hand, stenciling it themselves onto the acetates used for shooting screens, they were able to retain the rich, hand stenciled look for which they have become known. For some very special projects they are even able to combine hand printing and hand stenciling, resulting in fabrics which are both rich and sumptuous. Although the fabric is hand printed domestically, these beautiful silk grounds are all hand woven and hand dyed by artisans in Asia.
